Cassimango plants (Spondias dulcis):

Cassimango plants, known by various names such as the Cytherean plum tree, the Cytherean apple tree or the Cytherean tree, belong to the species Spondias dulcis, formerly known as Spondias cythera. These fruit trees are members of the Anacardiaceae family and can be traced back to Polynesia, although they are now grown in tropical regions around the world. Spondias dulcis is the scientific name of this species, which is part of the large Anacardiaceae family.

Cassimango plants produce exotic fruits that are often called Cytherean plums. These fruits are appreciated for their sweet and tart flavours, as well as for their versatility in cooking. The Cassimango tree has its roots in the islands of Polynesia, where it is indigenous. However, it has been successfully introduced to other tropical regions of the world for its fruit production. Cassimango fruit is used in a wide range of culinary preparations, whether eaten fresh, made into jams, juices or desserts. Their sweet and tangy flavour makes them a delight for the taste buds. The tree itself, with its lush green leaves, is often planted for shade in tropical regions, making it a valuable addition to landscapes and gardens.

In short, Cassimango plants, also known as Cytherean plum or Cytherean apple, are exotic fruit trees with Polynesian origins, offering tasty fruit and ornamental beauty in tropical regions of the world.

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Cassimango plants

  • Product Code: Plants de Cassimango
  • Availability: In Stock
  • XAF2,000.00

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Tags: Cassimango plants, cassimango, plants, cythera apple tree, anacardiaceae